Advocate Andreas {A London Presidency.} #AdvocateAndreas




Advocate Andreas



The tides are changing, change requires actions.


It has been a hard few years for many. To say the least, what with the ever-rising prices of day to day living produce, getting by on a daily level for many has never been harder. In the city of London – knife crime is sadly at an all-time high.  What was once an incredible tourist attraction, is slowly turning into a hot bed of crime and grime.


Voting has never been a highlight, yet a form of opinion which can change the political landscape around it, for a better change. Voting has undergone a transformation process; it is only natural for it to do so in the ever-evolving digital climate. The change that is quite literally crying out to happen, can only occur by the power of the people.


Just like the age itself, the economic climate is rapidly changing also. Sadly, due to many agendas at play via the very people who are by definition – meant to be looking after us, to a degree- simply do not care.


This is one of the pivotal reasons that London of all places is experiencing the decline it is currently in. This being said- there is always hope, there is always a clearer direction to take. One such individual, a man of high stature, a man who can be considered ‘a warrior of the people’ is stepping up to become The Mayor of London.


With clear, concise policies, with a mindset to wipe the old slate clean, enhancing a brighter future with his vison of a more – harmonious, realistic, thriving London! Maintaining its incredible multicultural roots and flavour.

A lot of hard work needs to be done. Much hard ground has to be covered. Advocating Andreas – is a must to see this happen.


Due to the preverbal storm – we have all been put through, especially now, since say around 2019. Issues of trust have run rife with such political affair’s. This being said it is for the people to take action.


Andreas will do his utmost best to complete his mission objectives. He will do this no doubt alongside the people of London. With the people of London.


Andreas has a strong sense of ‘community’. He sees the value of working within the communities, as the previous person in charge has clearly not. Andreas want’s to actively stop the knife crime epidemic which is currently gripping the capital. This article being typed right now, as London witnessed another – fatal stabbing only last night.


Be the change you want to see. Let it lead positively- we all require a brighter start in the mornings. Clear skies all the way – Advocate Andreas TODAY!

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